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Thanks to the generosity of Lyme Academy Trustee Mary Wilson and husband Jefferson Riley, Lyme Academy is renovating its art library!

Clearing space and curating books means thousands of extra volumes are now in need of a home. From art to nature, philosophy, history, and the classics, and from coffee-table to more modest in size, there’s a book for everyone here!

Fill a bag for $20 and load up your bookshelves; the sale runs through January from 9 am-5 pm on Saturdays and 12 pm-4 pm on Sundays.

Bags are available for purchase at de Gerenday’s, our on-campus art store. No outside bags will be permitted.

For a preview of select books on sale each weekend, stop by de Gerenday’s during regular store hours, Monday thru Friday, 9 am-5 pm.

Use the SOUTH Entrance at 84 Lyme Street for de Gerenday’s at Lyme Academy of Fine Arts.