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Frequently Asked Questions

What age can a student enroll in the Young Masters Afterschool Program?

Students ages 12-18 can register for the Program.

What will this Program prepare my student for, in the academic and professional art worlds?

The Young Masters Afterschool Program will allow a student to develop an art portfolio for college applications and for portfolio review sessions.

Can my student try the program before signing up?

We are offering students an opportunity to try one class before registering, make arrangements with Rick Lacey.

Are there programs at Lyme Academy that would be a next step for my student once they finish the Young Masters Afterschool Program?

Yes, students completing the Young Masters Afterschool Program can apply for the Core Program or enter into the Studio Immersion Program to continue their studies.

Do you offer opportunities to study in the summer?

Yes, we offer a series of classes and workshops open to youth in the summer. To receive notifications, please join our Youth Programs mailing list.

Is there an application process to join the Young Masters Afterschool Program?

No application is required; we accept students at all levels, and will work with the student individually to meet their specific goals and needs.

What supplies do students need?

Basic art supplies will be provided and kept in the studio. We will also provide a recommended supply list; these supplies are available for purchase through the school store.

Can I get a tour of the studio prior to registration?

Yes, to make an appointment for a tour and to see our facilities, contact

Can I register my student after the start of the semester?

Yes, we can accommodate rolling enrollment, allowing students to enroll at any time with prorated tuition for that semester. To make arrangements to register after the online registration closes on September 8, contact

Do you have scholarships available for the Young Master Afterschool Program?

A limited number of scholarships based on need and ability are available. For an application, contact the Program Director, Rick Lacey.

Do you offer payment plans?

Not at this time; payment is due at the time of registration.

Do you have other programs for youth at Lyme Academy?

Yes! High school students can attend FREE weekly Open Drawing Sessions, and our Studio Immersion Program and Workshops are open to students ages 15 and up.

What is the meaning of "traditional practices" at the Lyme Academy? What is meant by "academic practices"?

Lyme Academy’s youth classes are based upon a proven historical precedent – they follow the same foundational art practices used by the Renaissance and 19th-century masters you see in museums and have heard about in art history classes. These sequential, skills-based practices, first taught in the art academies of Europe, and most famously at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, are designed to foster both life skills like critical thinking and problem-solving, as well as visual literacy.