Throughout the course, your child may be photographed and/or included in a video taken for newspaper. television, in-house use on the Academy's website, or for other publicity purposes. Please check below to indicate that you DO or DO NOT grant permission to use your child's picture. (If no choice is made, it will be assumed that you do not want your child's picture used.)
I have read the policies and information sheet and hereby give my child permission to participate in all program activities. I also understand current medical information must be on file prior to the start of the program session, I
, agree to insure, defend and hold the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from any and all costs, losses, expenses, damages, claims, suits, or any liability whatsoever, including attorney's fees, resulting from injury, including death, to person or damage to property arising out of, or in any manner connected with, the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts. Please check the box below to indicate your agreement.